It's the best.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

You be the Judge

Now, if anybody out there just can't wait to see Vice Versa after hearing all the praise going around town, make sure you pick up the right one. If you are doing the VHS thing, be on the lookout for a product that resembles this here:

OR, if yer into the DVD thing, then yer gunna want to pick up this slightly altered version in which they stealthily added Fred Savage into the scene:

I still can't figure out how they made Judge Reinhold skateboarding off a desk look so convincing in the days before photoshop and what not. Maybe the guy can shred...
Also, make sure you don't accidentally pick up a live dvd by the "highly stylistic" British "function band" VICEVERSA:

Needless to say, they suck.

Til next time,

Judge "Shredmaster" Reinhold


Unknown said...

1. What's a function band? and

2. The same string used to suspend the flying coffee mug was used to hold Judge Rheinhold's ears in place, and thus his office-thrashing body.

3. Have Judge Rheinhold's ears gotten bigger from Fast Times? I think so.

Christian said...

judge looks like our landlord